Two genetic techniques show good results to treat blood diseases

Two genetic techniques show good results to treat blood diseases

Two genetic techniques show good results to treat blood diseases
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Two genetic techniques show good results to treat blood diseases

Two genetic therapies, including one using the Crispr gene editing tool, have helped treat people with sickle cell disease and thalassemia.

"These are two extraordinary steps: a significant advance in the treatment of sickle cell disease and another serious blood disease, beta-thalassemia, Scienceannounces, and it is also a first for the Crispr genome editing technique."

The scientific journal thus reports the results of two studies that have tested innovative treatments for these hereditary genetic diseases. Currently, the standard remedy is regular blood transfusions. The only curative treatment available for sickle cell disease or major forms of thalassemia is bone marrow transplantation, with all the difficulties that this presents, especially with regard to the possibility of finding a compatible donor.

Sickle cell disease is a relatively common disease. It is estimated to affect 300,000 births a year worldwide, according to Inserm. People with it have a mutation on both copies of the hemoglobin gene, the protein that carries oxygen into red blood cells. In these people, these cells have the shape of asickle (sickle inEnglish, giving the name "sickle cell disease" to sickle disease), an abnormality that can clog the vessels.

Source:- Flash News and News Agencies

Two genetic techniques show good results to treat blood diseases
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