Facebook to fight harder against disinformation on Coronavirus vaccines | Flash News

Facebook to fight harder against disinformation on Coronavirus vaccines | Flash News

Facebook to fight harder against disinformation on Coronavirus vaccines

False information that has been refuted by experts will be removed, Facebook warned on it's blog

Disinformation about Covid-19 vaccines will be more severely fought by Facebook.  The social network said Thursday it would more systematically remove false claims on the products.  The social network had already banned ads since October discouraging users from getting vaccinated and regularly deletes incorrect and potentially harmful information about the new coronavirus.

"Over the next few weeks, we will begin to remove false vaccine claims (against Covid-19) that have been refuted by public health experts on Facebook and Instagram," the social network wrote in a blog post on Thursday.  .  The group says it will be vigilant over misinformation related to the safety, efficacy, ingredients or side effects of vaccines.

 Facebook, for example, plans to remove "false claims that Covid-19 vaccines contain microchips" or certain "conspiracy theories" such as that claiming that specific populations are used without their consent to test the safety of new products.

Facebook warns that its policy may change as knowledge about Covid-19 vaccines may change.

Source:- Flash News and Facebook Blog

Facebook to fight harder against disinformation on Coronavirus vaccines | Flash News
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  1. Can't wait until people get tired of being censured by posting facts that conflict with the leftist propaganda FB wants you to believe. I dumped this steaming pile of lies years ago.
