Latest Invention | Energy saving Liquid Window Panel developed by scientist | Flash News PK

Latest Invention | Energy saving Liquid Window Panel developed by scientist | Flash News PK

Latest Invention | Energy saving Liquid Window Panel developed by scientist   | Flash News PK
Friday, November 6, 2020

Latest Invention | Energy saving Liquid Window Panel developed by scientist  




Scientists from Naniang University of Technology in Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed liquid window panels that can simultaneously block sunlight to regulate the transmission of sunlight, capturing heat that can be generated day and night, helping to reduce energy consumption. in buildings.


NTU researchers have expanded their smart windows by placing hydrogen-based liquids on glass panels and found that it could reduce building energy consumption by 45% when simulated compared to traditional glass windows. It is also 30% more energy efficient than commercially available low-emission (energy efficient) glass, but it is also cheaper to produce.


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Smart windows are the first example of energy-efficient, liquid windows published in the scientific journal and supporting NTU's Smart Campus vision for developing the latest technology solutions for a sustainable future.



Windows are a key component of building design, but they are also the least energy efficient. Due to the ease of heat transfer from the glass, the windows significantly affect the heating and cooling costs of the building. According to a 2009 UN report, the country's security forces are in a state of disarray. In 2014, buildings accounted for 40% of global energy consumption and windows accounted for half of that.


Conventional energy efficient windows are produced with expensive coatings that reduce the infrared light entering and leaving the building, which helps reduce heating and cooling requirements. However, they do not regulate visible light, which is the main component of sunlight that heats buildings.


To extend the windows to overcome these limitations, NTU researchers changed water that absorbs large amounts of heat before it begins to heat up - a phenomenon known as high specific heat.


Real blends of micro-hydrogels, water and stabilizers, as well as experiments and simulations, reveal that they can effectively reduce energy consumption in different climates, thanks to their ability to respond to temperature changes. Thanks to the hydrogels, the liquid mixture becomes opaque when exposed to heat, blocking sunlight and in a cold state returns to a "transparent" state.


Smart windows compensate for peer-to-peer electrical loads by blocking noise


Scientists also measure when the highest thermal energy accumulates in a day.


The peak of this temperature in conventional glass windows is 12:00 and in smart liquid windows it is transferred to 2:00. If this peer temperature shift results in a change in the time required for the building to use electricity to cool or heat the building, it will result in lower electricity tariffs for consumers.



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Simulations using building models and real-time data from four cities (Shanghai, Las Vegas, Riyadh and Singapore) show that smart liquid windows are more energy efficient in all four cities than conventional glass and low-energy windows. emission levels.

Soundproofing tests also show that smart liquid windows reduce noise by 15% more effectively than double glazing.


The study's lead author, Wang Shanching, project director at the School of Materials Science and Engineering, said: "Soundproof windows consist of two windows separated from the airspace. Our windows are similar, but instead of air, we fill the gap with liquid hydrogel that improves the sound insulation between glass panels, thus providing an exceptional advantage that modern energy efficient windows do not have.


Another early writer, dr. Zhou Igang. is an NTU student and is currently an Assistant Professor at China Petroleum University in Beijing (CUPB).


Ronggui Iang, an independent professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China, winner of the Nukiiama Prize for Thermal Science and Engineering 2020. And a specialist in thermal and energy systems, said, "We are a long way from traditional glass design. "Innovations have led to solar regulation and heat storage, which together provide excellent energy efficiency."



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Latest Invention | Energy saving Liquid Window Panel developed by scientist | Flash News PK
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